Posted in 50 in 50 days, Missions of LIFE

Well with my soul- 40 days to 50

The funeral from Friday,  talk has prompted more death talk. I am going to die someday, we all are. And as mentioned before odd’s are I have less time to live than the 50 years I have lived.  Probably somewhere between 20 and 30  years. There is a possibility I get another 40 years out of this body, IF I lose this last 30 lbs, and I don’t kill myself trying to.

Of course there are the unforseen’s that could let me leave this world and enter God’s sooner. 2 Corinthians 5:8 8 Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. Bread trucks, cancer and such. If I have a choice, and I think, I do, there are a few ways don’t want to die.

I don’t want to die choking on food. To die because I put yet one more thing in my mouth I didn’t need and not even chew it correctly, would be a total fail on my part.

I don’t want to drown, at sea especially. I can’t think of any reason to be in the ocean other than a cruise or pleasure boating. An indulgence being the ‘cause’ of my death is just wrong. Also having been a lifeguard, it is insulting.

Drunk driver or stupid driver not paying attention, I don’t want to die because someone was too stupid to pull their head out. I don’t want to be the stupid driver either. I would hate for the last thought I had to be, “Damn’ that was stupid Chris”.

A random bullet from what we call ‘Little Mexico’. Which is within shooting distance of our home. A bullet has already ‘randomely’ come through the ceiling of MY closet, from those that reside there :(. If I die because of  the law not doing their job and taking care illegal activity, that I would be prosecuted for, I would be really ticked off.

Really, dying from something that could have been prevented, would just piss me off. Preventable, in that, someone somewhere could have made a better choice, me and others. Deliberate sins, mistakes, bad decisions.

God knows all, created all, and does allow or disallow, what ever He wills. We don’t understand, can’t understand the beginning and end and all the way throughness of God. He does not plan the future, he knows the future,he is beyond the future. God knows every future that can be, He hopes for our sake our future is the future without the sins, mistakes and bad decisions. He knows the future with just a few bumps in the road, and the future with a whole mountain of ‘explicit’, and the future that has not even a ripple in the path.

I know a lot of people say ‘It was God’s will’ or “God is in control” or ‘It is all in God’s plan’, when someone dies of ‘something’ . I say yes and no to that.  God does not will any one to die. God’s will is that we live to the full purpose he has planned for us. God does not plan for the drunk driver become drunk, to decide to drive, to kill. God does not make me pick up my phone and start reading a text while I drive.

God did not knock Kirk down in his driveway.   God did not manipulate the chromosomes of Evan to cause his craniofacial deformity. God did not cause the anesthesiologist to be ignorant of airways on Pierre Robin babies. God did not cause my bio parents to have premarital sex. God does not lead a woman to abort a child. God did not cause Herod to kill all baby boys. God does not cause cancer cells to grow. God did not genetically alter wheat so man can not digest it. God does not make an alcoholic drink.  God did not tell Eve to disobey. God knows it will be happening and to whom. God does use each and every stupid, evil thing we do, at the leading of our earthly parent, Satan, for His purpose. Whether we know it or not.

God did not create sin. God did not create disobedience. God does not control sin. God does not control disobedience. He tells us to.  We all die physical and spiritual death because of sin. We have illness, genetic flaws, cancer, accidents, because of disobedience. Maybe it is not our direct disobedience, it is ‘man’ disobedience, hundreds of years of man interfering with God’s perfect creation.

God’s plan is for man to live a long productive life for Him.

At first Man lived, forever, Adam 930 years, Noah 950  .Then God decided to change things up (He can do that you know)  Genesis 6:3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”    So man’s life span started to dwindle, Abraham 175,  Isaac 180, Moses 120.


Our purpose is to be productiveGenesis 9:7As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it.”  

Ephesians 2:10 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them

Matthew 28:19–20 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Deuteronomy 6:5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

Guess who does not want for ‘us’ to do our purpose?  1 Peter 5:8  Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

None are ‘purposed’ to die young, we are missioned to go out and do God’s work, to bring more and more of his lost back to him, if we die physical death young, that is the world ‘taking’ us out, not God.   Revelation 21:4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”  But it will be.

I used to pray the childhood prayer of ” Now I lay me down to sleep pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take.” I frightened me, the thought of waking up dead. Now I am not at all afraid of death, I know it is not an end, it is continuation.  But I will be pissed of if the world( whether it be me or thee) takes me out, before God, and He will be to!

Posted in Missions of LIFE

REAL Missionaries

In some past years our church and church family have hosted  missionaries/ preachers/ teachers from other countries, such as South Africa and China as they attended a mini seminary through out the summer months. This mini seminary course was inspired by a good friend and great man of God, who has a purpose to do for others, by equipping them to spread God’s word. The goal to equip these with the tools to reach others, in their countries, with God’s word.

Tony Reddy, from Durban South Africa was one of the ‘students’ who came to America to be ‘taught’. I have told of Tony Reddy before, in this blog. (Please take the time to read)  I believe that Tony  was not brought into my country, my town, my church, my life so that he could learn how to be a good missionary. I know he was brought so that I, we, could learn what it is to be a true missionary of God.

Since meeting Tony here in Midland God has given us more opportunity, to learn from Him, from him. Keith had opportunity to go to Zambia and go with Tony on one of his many, many  missions..  Then we both made a trip to South Africa, me to help equip a group of women to facilitate a course, and Keith to help equip Tony with a vehicle and equipment to present God’s word to the people in the ‘bush’ of South Africa, Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi, . The last time we saw Tony we were in Lusaka, me again teaching to facilitate. This time with Tony’s daughter Charlene, who herself a great missionary, and to other women from churches Tony planted and grew through the years.  Keith as a chaperone of sorts for we women traveling, and to teach with Tony to some men, and to come along side Tony, and be a comrade in arms, so to speak.

Tony travels by himself sometimes, but usually with others to assist him. To cook, to unpack and set up camp and the meeting area. Someone to help him minister to the sick, physically and spiritually.  Tony’s family has been his travel mates most of the time. Sushi his wife. Charlene is his oldest, she is married and has a son, of her own, he is about 2. Shubael is his son, he is about the same age as my Evan, 23ish.  Tony has a younger son also, that I have not met, he too has made some trips with the family. Charlene and Shubael have recalled childhood memories to me, of travel, sleeping in the bush, on the side of the road, in one room churches on the dirt floors, fond memories. Sushi, Tony’s wife cooked meals for her family and the many that would come to hear Tony share Gods word with them. Their few fish that they bought on the side of the road would feed hundreds. 

This ministry does not sell tickets, nor meals. They do not pass the plate at their meetings. Tony does not have a video series he sells to fund his trips. Tony will travel for days to reach a destination he has heard of through the African grapevine that is needing for the Truth to  be revealed them. Tony makes at least bi annual trips to churches he has built, in the bush, to ensure all the now believers are cared for, to feed them physically and spiritually.  The funds Tony receives is sometimes a chicken, or the invitation to sleep on the floor of the church he previously built, or to sleep in the home of one of the pastor of the church, and possibly meals there.

For the past few years Shubael has been Tony’s right hand man, when he was not attending school or having trouble with the symptoms of his Juvenile Angiofibroma. Trouble being excessive, like days of, nose bleeds.  A Juvenile Angiofibroma is a benign tumor .  Usually these things are taken care of before one reaches Shubael age, if in the US, where we don’t have socialized medicine, yet.It has taken literally years, several doctors, some weird ‘class’ issues, some medical fails but now it looks like Shubael will have surgery soon, maybe in about 5 days. Praise God.

Shubael, is more than the bus boy for Tony, he has grown into a missionary himself. Shubael plays soccer, and has taken that interest into the mission field. He teaches soccer, attracts the young boys with the game of soccer and then presents the gospel. His goal is salvation. I had opportunity in the Lusaka trip to be with Shubael, to watch him work with his father.Shubael is a godly young man, he respects his father, and loves God. Shubael does not sit back and wait for his father to tell him what to do next, or go find him to help out, he was always doing WITH his father. I had to remind myself often that Shubael was only 22. Shubael having a tumor was not something I even knew of until we were a week into our trip, when Tony mentioned as Shubael was on top of the truck tying down equipment that Shubael had  another nose bleed the night before, as Shubel was on top of the truck tying down the equipment.  I have a headache it takes me 2 days to get back in gear and load the dishwasher.

Tony and Sushi will be accompanying Shubael as he has his surgery and recovery in Cape Town, about 1000 miles,/19 hour drive, from their home in Durbin. Of course they will be there, nothing would keep a parent from their child during this kind of surgery. There is risk. Only a few doctors in the world will attempt this. Dangers of: bleeding, paralysis, blindness and death are linked to this surgery. Tony and Sushi will be there. Our prayers will be there. A trip of this distance is costly for everyone! For Tony and Sushi, exorbitant, they receive chickens for payment.  Tony told us over Skype that he figured the trip would cost him about 8000R, which is 900$ american dollar. For a week stay in  hotel in resort town Cape Town about 2000R.-$230 He said he found the cheapest in town, I bet he did. Some of the ‘better’ places we have stayed in South Africa, would be condemned here in the US.  Petro which he can not find the cheapest, just pay what it costs, which is A LOT, would be 6000R-$690.

Today  I was whining to Keith, about a $400 couch I fell in love with at a consignment store,and they won’t drop the price. I have 4 couches and a love seat, one I don’t like much, it is too big and white. I think I need another for Keith’s new man cave. Then Tony Skyped us about Shubael surgery and prayer needs for them and their trip funds. Tony told us he was canceling a ministry trip to Uganda that overlapped with this surgery, even though he would be letting a supporting ministry down.  Keith told him we would pray and we would also work on helping him from here to get some funds. I was humbled.

We called our older boys and a couple of our and Tony’s friends,  just after our Skype with Tony. My ‘men’ and friends responded with the promise of funds to give, Brian, who was in the middle of putting a staircase in his home, was at our home within 30 minutes with a check to send to Tony.  Tony’s faith is moving mountains in America, from  South Africa.

I think I trust God,rely on Him for everything. I think I have faith to move mountains. .Yet……. Evan my 23 year old, that I pray can have a ‘normal’ life beyond his disability, decided it was time for himself to set out on his own. He announced he took vacation time at work and was driving 300 miles to San Antonio. He needed his DAD to help him make hotel reservations, because they could not understand him over the phone. This is what I pray for, independence, knowledge, incentive to grow, the strength and courage to achieve it all, and always a ‘healing’. My prayer was answered. I FREAKED.  Evan returned a few hours ago, alive, proving he IS a man and he can live WITHOUT Mommy.  Evan told me of his adventure, his eating out at Sea Island, twice, then following with Cheesecake Factory, twice. He bought shoes for work. He ate dinner in the hotel restaurant and made friends with the lady who waited on him.  She helped him when his nose started bleeding, by giving him a wet towel.

We will wire our ‘wet towel’ tomorrow, to Durbin South Africa.

Posted in Missions of LIFE


The hut/cabins are rustic but clean, as Julie describes them. The people who own the place have a nice home and a nursery and a vegetable garden, larger farm area surround us, outside the 220v electric fence. AC, like in your home.  YES 220 V they are serious around here! Actually it is not hooked up, they use it mostly to hang the laundry on.

It is beautiful, quiet, secluded grounds, trees everywhere, lime trees, mango tree, fig trees, pomegranate trees. Peaceful, truly. The grounds and solitude make up for the concrete floor shower. The shower actually is fine, I just get creeped out with certain things of showers.

When we stepped in our cabin, the first thing we saw was a squirrel, like an American squirrel, running around the beams in the thatch roof.  The South Africans with us were actually surprised, they did not know they had squirrels, especially American squirrels.  Tony our South African friend with us decided we must have brought him with us on a previous trip.

The owners had a couple of dogs and a couple of cats. The workers of the place kept the pets away from the clients with little switches they would pick up and wave at them. The dogs would notice a new person, and lift their ears, and wag a tail and the switches would be picked up.   Eventually I was able to make friends with the animals and relay to the workers that yes I liked the dogs.  At least I  thought though so, till the last day as I was walking the grounds and taking pictures, I stopped to take a picture of an orange tree, just in front of the owners home. The female dog saw me and came for a belly rub, I accommodated. I then turned to snap the picture and the dog jumped up on me to ‘hug’ me, leaving great dirty paw smears on the front and back of my almost white shirt.

Our meals were served by Jessie, a very attractive woman, petite, dark ringletts,  gorgeous  smile. She has grown children and grandchildren, so her age is at least in the 30’s she looked about 25.  Jessie was the cook, the maid, receptionist, our go to girl.  She lived about 3 miles from the B & B and walked to and from each day and night. Having breakfast for us by 7:30 and Dinner ready when we came back in at 7:00. Jessie usually cleared the table around 8pm then would wash the dishes and walk home around 9.  A couple of nights Tony was available to drive her home, a great treat for her I am sure!

The meals were all cooked by Jessie. For breakfast we would have eggs and sausage, homemade links with a flavor you get used to, sweet potatoes, they look like our white potatoes but are sweeter than our orange sweets. The lunches and dinners ran together a bit, always a meat; chicken, something not chicken with al lot of bones, beef cubes in a sauce, pork chops, at least three vegetables; greens(rape), sweet potatoes, mashed potaoes,carrots, green beans, cabbage, beets onions and cucumbers. One night we received ‘shine’, something the Zambians MUST have at each meal,which is basically grits cooked with less water  and no seasoning.

One evening we, Julie, Keith and I , hosted Tony and his family,Charlene and Shevel to a Texas BBQ in Zambia.

 Keith purchased some steaks, at the local market where they literally sliced it off of the beef, and some sweet potatoes, to fry (theirs are not orange like ours), some fresh tomatoes and peppers and onions for Charlene to make salsa with. We had a feast!

Our little home was actually a great stay, we basically had it to ourselves, the out doors was most peaceful, the cabins were clean, the water always ran, the beds were comfortable.  It was not the Waldorff, but I wouldn’t feel as welcome in the Waldorff as I did here.

Posted in Missions of LIFE

A Man With A Mission

Tony Reddy. An Indian Man, Dot not Feather, as my husband, Keith, lovingly refers to him. Tony was born in Durban, South Africa, as were his parents. His grandparents were born in India and moved to Durban. Tony has a wife, two sons, and a daughter, his  daughter is married and has a young baby. Tony is 51 years old, a diabetic, a husband,a  father, grandfather, ex drug dealer, ex Hindu and a man of God. Tony is a modern day Paul.

The ministry he has is the most God led venture I have ever witnessed. Tony travels through out the continent delivering God’s message, ministering to churches,in the bush, that he helped build in the past 25+ years,  areas many do not know exist.  Tony will cook food for the people of the area, once he reaches them. He will treat their wounds, physically and emotionally. Tony takes the sick to clinics and hospitals, he councils couples, he teaches the children, he finds homes for the children left behind by either neglect or death. When the people tell him of their needs he either gives what he has, or helps them find what they need. He advises, admonishes, exhorts and supplies them with the Word of God and brings them the Salvation, they, we, all need.

Tony has been doing this since his own salvation.  Prior to this Tony was as far from God as anyone could be. He was a major player in the drug world in South Africa. He was of Hindu belief. And then one day God removed the scales from his life and he became a catalyst for God.   Tony gave up his worldly power and wealth for nothing in this world and everything in Eternity.

Tony for years has been supported by the meager giving of those he helps and the here and there donation from someone who  see his ministry and want to help support. Tony’s salary comes from God, as does all of ours, but in a way that takes way more faith, and he has it.

I just spent a week teaching a class, and Tony has been our ‘host’/point person this week. I was able to see him at work this week. I am humbled.

I flew here from the states on large jet, had meals served to me on the plane, watched movies as I flew, had a toilet to go to.  I complain a bit about the tight quarters, especially on the prop job we rode from our smaller to larger airport in Houston. I complain about the rice cake they give on the US flights instead of nice GF bread on the  European side of British Air. I don’t like that I have to bathroom in the weird little toilet after everyone, and wonder what the moister on the toilet lid is. I get a bit miffed at the attitude of the stewardesses, they are so condescending sometimes. And flying for 2 hours then 10 hours then a layover in a London airport, even with a bit of sight-seeing there, and then another 10 hours to Lusaka, is a LOOOONG trip!

On the other hand; Tony drives from Durban a 2600 KM trip. He does stop a few times on the way, but not to sight see, he stops to visit churches, drives through areas with barely roads to check on people and give them encouragement and God’s word. Once there he, many times, is needed to carry someone somewhere, usually the hospital.  Tony will set up camp and make a meal for those in the general area, he makes the meal with the rice, tin fish and supplies he brought, maybe a chicken he purchased up the road. Tony builds the fires, unloads the truck, cooks the meal, everyone else, then himself, his companions (now his 21 year old son, and his daughter if she can leave the baby at the time, and maybe another female friend who can sometimes make the trips as the cook) eat. Other stops include patrol road blocks that are numerous, what they are looking for very few know, other than a bribe. Tony does not pay, so the stops can be lengthy, but to Tony they are opportunity to present the Gospel, to the men with AK 47’s. Tony and his companions will sleep on the side of the road, sleeping either on the ground or on the seats of the truck. The truck is a good Toyota Hilux, but it is still a truck.  The bathroom, no worries of others dribble, I suppose.  A shower, if can afford to use water, is a bucket of water.  I am humbled.

When I reach my destination this time, I am a bit disappointed by the accommodations. It is not bad, but the quaint cabin/huts are just that, equipped with beds, and blankets, a real toilet, a shower with a concrete bottom, no air conditioning, they do have electricity. The grounds are wonderful, we arrange to have our meals made for us by Jessie the cook, they are all meat, starch and at least 2 vegetable dishes.

Tony stays with whomever will ask him, but usually he will sleep on the floor of the church he is visiting. This trip he brought his son’s twin mattress, packed on trailer, because he has been having some back pain. Tony cleans up at night after all is dark by  pouring a bucket of cold water over himself.  The toilets are either outside or the holes in the ground used as toilets.  Tony’s meals are what he makes for himself, after he builds the fire, he eats rice, tin fish and maybe something he gets at a small vegetable stand. Tony sacrifices so much for the people of the churches and they rely on him for so much and respect him so, yet, they do not offer to help or feed or shelter him very often, it is a “culture thing’ Tony says.  I am humbled.

After my mission is finished I say my goodbyes,go to the hotel nearest the airport I will fly from, wash the week of roughing it off, have a sit down dinner, again.  I will board my plane and fly home and be greeted and loved on by my family, get to tell my adventures and give all credit to God and tell of the amazing things He did on this trip. My main concern will be if my luggage gets back at the same time I do.   I will possibly return to Africa and another mission in a year or so, but NOT soon!

Tony does not end his mission, Tony only packs to go home for a short time, he will continue his mission at home. Tony will travel another 5 days to get home, more stops at churches, at road stops. Each time he visits a church he may have to add a day  or some travel to help someone in need. With each patrolled stop he will have to wonder if there will be consequences to pay. Tony will sleep on the sides of the road. Tony will touch and change more lives on the way home. I am humbled.

This man goes and does with no guarantee of his safety or financial support. Tony does not have a church that will support him, or come and get him if he is in trouble or runs out of money. Tony does not ever spend money on himself, his needs, he even gives what little he has so others can travel and eat. I AM HUMBLED.

I type this from my air-conditioned hotel room. I do not think I will eat dinner tonight, not as a sacrificial move, but because I ate too much at lunch, as we shopped at the Mall in Lusaka.  Keith has just dropped our mission companion at the airport, and seen her safely on the plane, she will stay in a nice hotel before flying home tomorrow.  We will fly out tomorrow.  Tony is in his Toyota truck with his daughter and son, possibly pulling over soon to build a fire and cook the evening meal.Tony will be home in about a week, his wife will greet him with the love he has missed for a month. His daughter will hold her young baby after a month of being away, and be held by her own husband. His son will unload and put away all of the traveling gear, and replace his mattress on his bed, before he can sleep in his own bed. If they return near Sunday, Tony may prepare for giving the service, in the church that he used to pastor, in Durban. Tony’s phone will ring, there will be a need, a crisis, and he will leave and council, and advise.  Soon, he will repack that trailer, and travel for days, changing more lives, answering the call of the Lord, in a way that humbles me and shames me.

God, I want to serve as Tony does,  as Paul did, yet I fail.  Thank you God for giving Tony the will, the ear to hear your call, the strength to overcome this world. Bless him, with health, finances, and your amazing grace.

Posted in Missions of LIFE

Bicycles for GOD

This is what $1000 will buy in Lusaka. 8 bicycles! They are actually more expensive than some of our bikes here, but maybe not more than those ‘expensive’ Shwinns we have.  These are Eagles. Very sturdy!

There are villages and churches that are ‘off road’ even more off road than some 4×4’s go.  So bicycles are perfect. Also diesel is quite expensive here, as are the cars, so bicycles are more practical.

These bicycles were presented to 4 ministers in the Chibombo area, one of them a woman, as you can see. The other 4 will go to ministers in Serenge.  They ride MILES into the bush to their church or other churches to preach and teach.  These bicycles will change lives for an eternity.

Posted in Missions of LIFE

Continuation of Day 1

I am awake for a bit, it is day 2 in Lusaka, but I will continue on day one if I can remember it all. None of this will post until about day/evening 6.  You will be reading week old material. We ARE on African time!

The bicycle purchase, I spoke of earlier, was brought on by a donation of funds $1000, from a young couple in MBC. Keith and Tony went to purchase the bicycles, so that Tony could distribute to different Pastors here in Zambia, remote areas.  Bicycles are a great commodity, they rate the same as cars, and maybe even more needed than a car for most.  A bicycle does not use fuel which is quite expensive, 565,000 kwacha to fill a Toyota truck with diesel. Which is $113.  $113 would make us cringe at the gas pump. Here this is an AMAZING amount of money, here in Zambia. Another bicycle benefit, they can reach the remote areas where there are no roads, only paths that meander from hut to hut, area to area and through the brush and pop up beside a road.

The main roads here are paved and pretty decent, those we see, compared to the ones we traveled on in Uganda.  They are maintained, but they are not US roads.  There are speed bumps every few miles, usually with armed police on the end of them checking vehicles for whatever they seem to not have or have too much of so the police can charge them money right on the spot.  The speed bumps are twice as wide as ours, and not as big of bumps, which one would think makes them better.. Nope.

The speed bumps are several in a row, about 6 and are spaced about an American speed bump apart, so it is actually a bit like driving over railroad tracks 3 in a row.  Tony hit some fairly fast last night, they were not lit nor marked and the police were not out, that was actually kind of fun, or maybe I was just goofy from lack of sleep! Riding a bike down the side of the road you miss those bumps, and pray the cars miss you.  The shoulder of the road is wide enough for a body, or a body on a bike, that is it.  The cars /trucks are right on the line that separates the road from the shoulder, I do not know that I could walk or ride on that shoulder.

The bikes, being a great commodity, are not cheap! Each bike was about $120, so we were only able to get 8, instead of the 10 that was wanted.  That was a talked down rate also.  They are the big Shwinn riding bike type. They need to be pretty sturdy because they are really used here.  One of the pastors getting one rides miles into the bush, where a car cannot go, to preach.  He rides an old broken down bike, this new one will allow his wife to ride on the back and attend church with him.  These bikes are changing lives of the pastors and the people of the church by allowing them pastors and wives.

There is so much we take advantage of in America, the land of opportunity, I am always humbled here.

After the bike purchase in Lusaka we drove the bikes and trailer they were on to Chibombo, this is where we were actually staying and teaching.  Julie is flying in at 6pm it is 11AM, we have accomplished all the ‘errands’ we could in Lusaka, so it seemed a good idea to drop the trailer and get the rooms arranged for us all.  The drive is only 100kl which is about 60 miles.  We stopped and ate dinner at one hotel/restaurant about 1 , after leaving Tony thought we might travel to this restaurant for meals, if need, from our teaching church, not realizing we were as far from Chibombo as we were. We drove half an hour more, and more, then finally found our B & B turn off, drove up a dirt road, past some locals homes and to our home away from home for a week.  We arranged for the B&B to become B&B&L&D, and unloaded the suitcases, I cringed at the cement floor shower, and we reloaded into the Toyota, made our way to the church so we could unload the bicycles. Another 20 minutes.  After unloading the bikes we then went to the pastor/bishops home so we could let him know we had stored such precious cargo at the church in the locked storage and to drop off some women that would be attending the conference that we picked up at THE corner of Chibombo, they had been calling ‘Daddy’(Tony) since we were in Lusaka loading the bikes to let Tony know they needed a ride to the pastor’s home.  Once we arrived at the pastor’s home we then had to meet and greet the Pastor and his family AND go in and sit in the house because they asked us too, it would be impolite not to.  We all sat for about 3 minutes then said we must go. By now it is about 3:30.  We start back to Lusaka, to pick up Julie at 6:00 60 miles away , 2 and half hours before needing to be there.

Every truck that existed must have been on the road ahead of us or coming at us on the way back to Lusaka, every police road stop was interested in looking at every truck that was in front of us at the stops.  Once in Lusaka we found that every vehicle in Lusaka was in front of us or beside us trying to cut in front of us.  We arrived at the airport, which 6:45.  POOR JUILE! Her plane arrived 10 minutes EARLY. So, there she is, by her white self, Julie, at the airport for almost an hour.  Ironic, flight arrangements had been juggled around so Julie would not have to be sitting alone in any airport coming or going ,(we are branching off on our stop over in France) so Julie flew with the others and flew from there to us.   So here is Julie, waiting out front of the what seems deserted airport at 6:45, she had tried to text me, but I had turned off my phone, the roaming had completely drained it. After myriad of impediment, we had Julie. She was very fine.

We ate a wonderful meal at the Hotel where we will be staying the last night here (not going to chance the impediment trying to catch a plane that flies out at 8am.) We then started our trek back to the B&BL&D. We passed it in the dark, when we reached Chibombo we realized it, Tony turned back. (When he turned around is actually when WE realized anything, we three had fallen asleep and our heads were bouncing and mouths drooling, at this time)  We looked at each odd sign on the side of the road for the next 20 miles. Turned around when we ‘knew’ we had passed it again, drove some more, turned around again and then, the sign popped up just where it had been the whole time, under the large antenna tower.   Nothing has lights out side, signs, roads, homes.  It was like looking for …something in the dark of Africa.  We made it to our beds late late late, actually it was probably, about 10 PM, but to us it was 2 days to late.

Posted in Missions of LIFE

Day 1 Lusaka

We landed in Lusaka about 6:30 AM, walked down the stairs onto the Tarmac, just like the old movies. The sun was rising, still in the west, it was literally red. Beautiful. The smokey smell was the next welcome from South Africa, I think everyone here is always burning something the sky is always hazy from the smoke.
It took forever to get our baggage, but this time it was not mechanical failure and then human error. It was that one man was unloading 3 packed luggage trailers as fast as he could.
Tony was waiting with his usual smile.
Our first stop was the hotel we will stay one night in next week before flying out. They had asked money up front, but did not need it now. We talked them into letting us use a room for a quick shower. It was great!
Next stop exchange $ for kwacha we got a lot more back than we gave
Then a sims card for our phone
Then a drive on the wild side to buy 8 bicycles. It was a questionable area. The shop owner took us to his to get 6 of the bikes. He will not keep them at the shop because they would be stolen. The guys strapped the bikes on the trailer while I napped. I was and am so tired. This will continue in the AM. I am sleeping while I type zzzzz