Posted in My House that God built

>Things are Happenin…

>Guess what we did? NO! Not THAT!

WE Painted the house all inside. We got us a sprayer and sprayed away– Keith mostly– he is not confident in my spraying abilities. But it really does not matter how much you cover, your eyes get it — We tried goggles but they covered in paint in about 1 minute– thus the raccoon look.
My boogers did get a bit colored, I kept forgetting my mask. I would take it off to breath or talk, then start spraying then wonder why I was choking to death– I am still blonde underneath the grey!
The cabinet guys showed up to start the cabinets today: The middle islands will be put in tomorrow.
And I finally got to start glazing the walls. Finally I can actually contribute. Keith has been doing the electric, the painting, the building of… I try to help but I do not think I do that much for him– But NOW I can do something he can’t– I feel so useful!! And I LOVE doing it.
Keith also put in the living room lights tonight– We LOVE them!
It is getting so much closer– We are needing it finished by end april– I think we will make It!


Aspiring to be the Christian Gluten Free Queen of the World. I love writing/blogging, painting, decorating, grand mothering, cooking, helping others BE gluten free, old movies, family, God, animals, my kids, my grandkids, my husband, talking about adoption. I know about painting murals, cooking gluten free, being a mother in law, special needs, cleft palates, Pierre Robin, Celiac, marriage, faith, God, sons, dogs, cats, gardening, a little bit of horses, building a house and living life blessed.

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